Whether you are a non profit looking to fund raise, or a business that offers a product or service, you can benefit from an email newsletter. Here are just a few of the perks!
Stay in Touch with Your Customers
Providing valuable information on a regular basis through your email newsletter shows your customers they are important to you. Your content should be relevant and benefit your customers. Include a coupon or special each month. Thank or highlight donors or customers in your newsletter, solidifying your relationship.
Save Money and Beat Out Direct Mail
Direct Mail comes with the additional costs and the long lead time of printing and mailing. With an email newsletter, you can include countless links to additional interactive information, like video and photos as well as drive customers to your social media sites. An added plus, email is a greener way to market your company!
Promote New Products,
Upcoming Events and Specials
You can have the most amazing product or event, but if your customers don’t know about it, you lose business. A short teaser about a new product or upcoming event with a link for more information on your website, could be the difference between so-so results and amazing success.
Reach Friends of your Subscribers
We have all seen how quickly information can be shared through social media, the same is true with an email newsletter. With the click of a “Share” button information can be shared on Facebook, Twitter and emailed to friends of your subscribers, multiplying your fans!
Share your Company’s Achievements
Let your customers know about your achievements, awards or just what you have been up to! If you have a new product or service, highlight it in your newsletter with links to more detailed information on your website.
Attract New Subscribers
Utilize your website with a newsletter email sign up on your home page and direct new subscribers to your social media sites. Only send to customers who give you permission to receive your Email Newsletter.
Provide the Right People
with the Right Information
Want to send specific information to certain people? It’s easy. By segmenting your mailing list, you can tailor your emails to who you want. Your Email Newsletter sign up can automatically segment your mailing list with options to choose from when your customer sign up!
DesignMe Creative Group Can Help!
Contact us and we can design a newsletter in MailChimp or Constant Contact to get you started. We can do it all or train you to take over, your choice!
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