If you like color like I do, then perhaps you’d want to put a splash of color into your entry titles – kind of like I did above. It’s pretty easy to do: 1. Add the following to your functions.php file // ADD GREEN SHORTCODE add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘do_shortcode’ ); // allows shortcode in the title… [Read More]
Redirect My Website To https://
In 2015, Google announced they were going to give preference to website that offered their website with https:// in the url. If you are looking to boost your SEO, this is the most simple and cost effective thing you can do for your website. The price of an Secure Socket Layer certificate (SSL) is approximately… [Read More]
Full Width (100%) Section On A Fixed Width Page
There have been a number of website development projects that have required a full width section in the middle of a single fixed width page. Rather than use a widget for just one page, this is an alternative option. The best part is, it’s very simple! The code <div class=”row-full”> Your full width content here…. [Read More]
Favicons – A Tiny Graphic With Big Impact
A favicon is short for “favorite icon”. You may also know it as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon. A favicon is a file containing a small graphic that is associated with a particular website or web page. It’s that little graphic that appears in your browser tab beside… [Read More]
Small Can Mean Big When It Comes To Websites
Small business owners are often under the incorrect assumption that they are “too small to have a website”. I can tell you, the smaller you are, the more you NEED a website. So here are 5 great reasons why every small business needs a website: Even if you never touch your site again (read here… [Read More]
Stop WordPress From Removing Non-Breaking Spaces
If you’ve ever tried to add a non-breaking space – – in the text editor in WordPress, you know that it disappears once you return to the visual editor and save the page. Next time, try putting this bit of code in your functions.php file to stop WordPress from removing your non-breaking spaces (and… [Read More]
Phone Numbers Not Formatted Correctly on iPhone Safari
Recently, I was working on some custom coding for a client who created their site in Divi. We added a phone number to a widget area, but no matter how or what we used in the CSS, the color always came up as GRAY on iPhone Safari. After quite some time, I found the answer!… [Read More]
Making A Short Sidebar Full Length
I was working with a StudioPress Child Theme – Brunch Pro Theme and the designer wanted the sidebar to go all the way to the bottom of the full page text (not stop where the text ended). It just requires a little “thinking outside he box”. Basically, we just add alot to the “padding-bottom” to… [Read More]
“Direct links to my PDF files are redirecting to my home page?”
Yes, that is a problem I encountered this weekend with a long-time client. It was FRUSTRATING for all of us! The client was sending out an email blast to their members and had 2 links to PDF files on their website. Both files were uploaded into the media folder properly. No custom redirects or added… [Read More]
Force WordPress Displayname Format
DesignMe recently upgraded a website that uses our developers PRO version of s2Member. Part of the project was creating a directory using the plugin’s Member List function. However, the sort option was for display name … and the display name was set to different formats. I needed it to display and sort by last name…. [Read More]