As a business owner you are always looking for ways to save money and make your business more profitable. So using a free generic website template may seem like a great option to save on your bottom line. You put time and energey into the quality of the products and services you provide – wouldn’t… [Read More]
I Have a Website – Now What?
Do you remember the last time you updated your website? If not, then this article is for you! An outdated website can be more harmful than not having a website at all. If a visitor lands on your website and sees the News & Events page has things dated 2002, what does that tell them?… [Read More]
Insert Soliloquy Shortcode Using Advanced Custom Fields
DesignMe has many clients that want to self-maintain their website. So our development process keeps that in mind by making edits/additions as easy as possible. One way is to use Advanced Custom Fields to place a single line of text that can then be put into a shortcode to create a custom slider. This particular… [Read More]
Small Can Mean Big When It Comes To Websites
Small business owners are often under the incorrect assumption that they are “too small to have a website”. I can tell you, the smaller you are, the more you NEED a website. So here are 5 great reasons why every small business needs a website: Even if you never touch your site again (read here… [Read More]
E-Newsletter Benefits For Your Business
Whether you are a non profit looking to fund raise, or a business that offers a product or service, you can benefit from an email newsletter. Here are just a few of the perks! Stay in Touch with Your Customers Providing valuable information on a regular basis through your email newsletter shows your customers they… [Read More]