As a business owner you are always looking for ways to save money and make your business more profitable. So using a free generic website template may seem like a great option to save on your bottom line. You put time and energey into the quality of the products and services you provide – wouldn’t… [Read More]
Unique Websites Deserve a Unique Login
After designing and building a custom website, there’s one thing that has always bothered me. It’s that big WordPress W that hits me in the face when I login. It’s just a pet peeve, but for whatever reason, I never bothered to look into changing. Come to find out, it’s super easy and it only… [Read More]
Enqueue CSS2 Google Fonts
You may find that some of the themes you choose call out google fonts in the “old way”, but when you go to grab your fonts, it looks a tad different. One would think it was as simple as adding the “css2” to the front and the new family codes in the middle. That’s not… [Read More]
I Have a Website – Now What?
Do you remember the last time you updated your website? If not, then this article is for you! An outdated website can be more harmful than not having a website at all. If a visitor lands on your website and sees the News & Events page has things dated 2002, what does that tell them?… [Read More]
“Going Live”
Have you ever wondered what happens after you give your web designer the “OK” to go live? The Technical Stuff DesignME Creative builds the developing website in a subdirectory of your domain – something like So the first step is to change the Settings within your WP dashboard and installation url to the real… [Read More]
Adding A Shortcode To The Post Title
If you like color like I do, then perhaps you’d want to put a splash of color into your entry titles – kind of like I did above. It’s pretty easy to do: 1. Add the following to your functions.php file // ADD GREEN SHORTCODE add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘do_shortcode’ ); // allows shortcode in the title… [Read More]
Making A Short Sidebar Full Length
I was working with a StudioPress Child Theme – Brunch Pro Theme and the designer wanted the sidebar to go all the way to the bottom of the full page text (not stop where the text ended). It just requires a little “thinking outside he box”. Basically, we just add alot to the “padding-bottom” to… [Read More]
“Direct links to my PDF files are redirecting to my home page?”
Yes, that is a problem I encountered this weekend with a long-time client. It was FRUSTRATING for all of us! The client was sending out an email blast to their members and had 2 links to PDF files on their website. Both files were uploaded into the media folder properly. No custom redirects or added… [Read More]
Force WordPress Displayname Format
DesignMe recently upgraded a website that uses our developers PRO version of s2Member. Part of the project was creating a directory using the plugin’s Member List function. However, the sort option was for display name … and the display name was set to different formats. I needed it to display and sort by last name…. [Read More]
Two New Favorite Plugins
As I am working on an upgraded WordPress website for a client – moving an older, outdated theme to a sparkling new customized Genesis theme – I came across two new VERY handy plugins I wanted to share. 1. THE DUPLICATOR This plugin is not for the novice user. If you’re a more advanced user,… [Read More]