DesignMe has many clients that want to self-maintain their website. So our development process keeps that in mind by making edits/additions as easy as possible. One way is to use Advanced Custom Fields to place a single line of text that can then be put into a shortcode to create a custom slider.
This particular client wanted a slideshow at the top of their single Custom Post Type pages. So, I created an ACF text field that allowed user to enter soliloquy slide #. I then incorporated that shortcode into the appropriate page template like this:
add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'add_project_info', 1 ); function add_project_info() { $client = get_field('client'); $slider = do_shortcode( '' ); echo '<div class="project-slider">' . $slider . '</div>'; echo '<div class="projectdetails"><p><strong>Client: </strong> ' . $client . '<br>'; }
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