Go ahead … hover over that black and white cog image! I DARE YA! Do you want to do this on your WordPress website? It’s pretty simple with a little bit of code and CSS! PART 1. Here it is the code behind the images looks like: <div class=”effect”><img class=”bw alignnone wp-image-2410″ src=”https://designmecreative.com/site/wp-content/uploads/cogservicebw.jpg” alt=”cog bw”… [Read More]
Make Your Own Shortcode
I needed to make it easy for a client to place different colored boxes behind text when she edits her new website. I could use code, of course, but the client wouldn’t know how to do that. I found this little 3 step process worked very well. STEP ONE: Insert the following code into your… [Read More]
Leverage Browser Caching
Improving the functionality and speed of your website is always a priority at Flying Change. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to leverage browser caching. What is browser caching? Every time a browser loads a webpage it has to download all the web files to properly display the page. This includes all… [Read More]
Adding the [Read More] Link in Genesis
One of the wonderful thing about wordpress is that it allows you to use excerpts of your full post as a “teaser” to for your readers. However, at the end of the excerpt, a standard […] appears where the text stop. The problem is that it doesn’t link to the rest of the story. I… [Read More]